Welcome to the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Virtual Recreation Center! This is your one-stop-shop for games, interactive content and videos that allow you participate in park events virtually. .
Check out what was just added to our Virtual Recreation Center library!
is a free, cloud-based education
tool designed to teach teens, ages 14 to 18, about the parks and
recreation industry. Content is split into three sections – Play,
Nature and People – to provide a diverse and comprehensive look at
key topics and concepts while unveiling a number of STEAM-related
careers that students can learn more about as they plan their
academic and professional futures. Text is balanced with videos,
games and fun facts to keep students engaged and entertained. Upon
course completion, students will receive a certificate and once all
three are completed, they can receive a special gift! Only one is
available now – PLAY – log in to check it out! Link: https://bit.ly/3gQU5fL
Virtual Tour: Don Dussault County Park
Dussault County Park is a peaceful 0.75-acre local park
featuring two playgrounds, a new fitness station, a picnic pavilion,
benches, tables, and BBQs. Check out the new park amenities in this virtual tour!
Take a Virtual Hike! Experience our trails from your favorite mobile device.
View popular vantage points in 360 degrees. You take the reins in these interactive videos that offer walk-through reviews of historic sites and summits.
Gain insight into the history of our parks in these short profiles with our park rangers, produced by Popular Nation!
Take our Tour our Trails Challenge, which is comprised of 15 hikes across San Diego. Prizes will be awarded for every category you complete! Participation is free and booklets will be available at most County properties. Check back for updates.
Seven trailheads in our parks system feature TRACK Trails, a fun and interactive hiking adventure for kids. Starting at the TRACK Trails kiosk, kids can pick up an adventure guide, which provides information on the trail. Kids follow along and take notes – later logging them into their Kids in Parks account for a chance to earn prizes.
Learn about local parks and preserves, recreation opportunities, outdoor relaxation techniques, kid-friendly challenges, and the perks of spending quality time outside in this virtual workshop with Ranger Nicole!
Throughout the month of October – or as we like to call it, Hawktober – we aired educational
videos on local birds of prey. In 2020, clips were shown via
YouTube for several weeks. Tune in to learn all about some of
our favorite feathered friends, including hawks, falcons and
Learn from the experts. We made short videos to answer our most
frequently asked questions!
Watch our Facebook Live videos. We saved the clips in case you couldn't tune in... check back for new additions!
A four-part video series we helped produce on invasive species along San Diego’s waterways aired on San Diego River Park’s YouTube channel, during Earth Week 2021. The content remains relevant, and watching is highly encouraged!
is a free, cloud-based education tool designed to teach teens, ages 14
to 18, about the parks and recreation industry. Content is split into
three sections – Play, Nature and People – to provide a diverse and
comprehensive look at key topics and concepts while unveiling a number
of STEAM-related careers that students can learn more about as they
plan their academic and professional futures. Text is balanced with
videos, games and fun facts to keep students engaged and entertained.
Upon course completion, students will receive a certificate and once
all three are completed, they can receive a special gift! Only one is
available now – PLAY – log in to check it out! Link: https://bit.ly/3gQU5fL
Showcase your creativity with these printable coloring sheets (Version 1/Version 2) – featuring some of our favorite park locales!
Be kind to your mind during Mental Health Month (May) with this coloring activity that spans emotions from Very Happy Halibut to Very Sad Shrew, with tips on how to move your mood in the right direction. It's made for kids but all can play along!
View Ranger Kyle and his virtual
touch table – then try your hand at our matching
Complete all seven steps in our Happier Healthier Earth puzzle to win a cool prize.
SD Nights - short for Safe Destinaton and San Diego Nights - meets virtually several Fridays per month, with interactive activities, games, classes and conversations designed for teens! All SD Nights VIP Events are free for youth ages 10-18. RSVP required for all events; contact Carl McCullough at 619-961-0159 or carl.mccullough@sdcounty.ca.gov for more info.
Take a stroll around the block! You don't have to go far to find cool
stuff in nature – try
this scavenger hunt in English, or Español!
Try your hand at our Instagram Bingo Game.
Download the Libby app, and read in your patio or yard! This is a free book-sharing
service offered through County Libraries.
Live near a County park or preserve? Cool! Verify it here. Most County parks and preserves remain open as long as social distancing is maintained, though some on-site amenities are closed for your safety and ours.
If you don't see your park, Google it to see who manages it and visit them online. Every jurisdiction has the right to stay open or close, adhering to local, state and federal guidelines.
Check out these cool family-friendly outdoor game ideas, compliments of Backyartisan!
Follow us online. Join the conversation on our official social media