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Park user fees increase February 18, 2025.


Day-Use Parking Passes

Many Day-Use Parks require vehicle parking passes. 

One-Day or One-Year Parking Passes may be purchased:

  • With your phone or computer.
  • From a pay kiosk at a park (1-day passes only).
  • From a Park Ranger or attendant at the park.


Types of Parking Passes

One-Day Parking Pass – All Parks: $3 (purchase online).

One-Year Parking Pass - All Parks: $40 for San Diego County residents (purchase online).

One-Year Parking Pass - One Park: $25 for San Diego County residents (purchase online).

Senior (62+) Perpetual Parking Pass: FREE for San Diego County senior residents 62 years and older.

Disabled: FREE for San Diego County (a current California Disabled placard will be honored in lieu of a pass at all regional day-use parks).

Note: Parking passes purchased through the online option will not be mailed a physical pass - your license plate is used for validation. Parking passes are different than camping extra vehicle fees.


Purchasing and Managing Online Parking Passes


Purchase a Parking Pass without an App

  1. From any internet browser on your smartphone or computer, visit the parking pass purchase page.
  2. Select the park.
  3. Complete the purchase form.
  4. Check the box to agree to terms.
  5. Select "Pay Now".
  6. Show the Park Ranger proof of payment if requested.


Create Your Account so You Can Manage Your 1-Year Parking Pass

Validation of parking passes is based on your license plate so it's important you change your license plate if you're planning to drive a different vehicle to one of our parks. 

Holders of 1-Year Parking Passes can change their license plates at any time using their online account.

Online accounts are automatically created when you purchase your parking pass. You will receive an email from HotSpot Parking with a link to Set Your Password.

If you did not receive the email or the Set Your Password link has expired, please visit the login page and select forgot your password.

Note that you should not select the link for new users unless you have never purchased a parking pass. 


How to Update Your License Plate

Holders of 1-Year Parking Passes can update their license plates online, using the app, or by contacting a live agent.

Use the App to Change Your License Plate

Customers who need to change their license plate frequently (e.g., customer who drive multiple cars to our parks) should consider using the app to make quick and easy plate changes.
  1. Install the HotSpot Parking app on your smartphone:  Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Using the app, sign in. If you are not a member of HotSpot, select “Get Started” and create an account.
  3. Press Permits on the bottom menu.
  4. Press My Permits.
  5. Select your permit.
  6. Press Change Plate. 
  7. Select the new plate using the dropdown menu provided. If you don't see the plate number you will need to Add a Vehicle.
  8. Press Change Plate.

Use a Browser to Change Your License Plate - No App Needed

  1. Open the account page and sign in.
  2. Select pen the Permits tab and then My Permits.
  3. Select the on the Active Plate. A dropdown menu will show your registered license plates. Select the license plate you want associated with your parking pass. If you don't see the plate number you will need to Add a Vehicle.

How do I add my vehicle to my account?

  • Through the App:

1. Open the app and tap on the icon in the upper left-hand corner.

Settings Screen

2. Press Manage My Vehicles.
3. Press Add Vehicle.
4. Enter your vehicle’s details.
5. Press Add Vehicle.

  • Through the browser:

1. Open a browser window.
2. Go to HotSpot and Log in.
3. Open the Vehicles tab.
4. Enter the information and hit Save.

Enter your vehicle’s details in the right panel, and select Save Vehicle.


5. After choosing the park, you will be taken to the screen that will show you the available parking passes you can purchase for that park.

How to View the Parking Pass Expiration Date


1. You may be prompted to select a plan when creating an account. Make sure to select “Choose Later”.
2. You will need to tap on “Add a payment method” at the top of the home screen and enter your card details after selecting “Choose Later”.
3. To buy a pass for a park you want to visit, look on the left side of the app and select “Purchase a Permit".
4. This will then open a list of locations that you can scroll through until you find the park you want to buy a parking pass for.

  • Through the browser:

1. Open a browser window.
2. Go to HotSpot and Log in.
3. Open the Permits tab and select My Permits.
4. View the details of the permit. (Lot, Permit type, Expiry date)

  • Through the App:

1. Open the app.
2. Press Permits on the bottom menu.
3. Press My Permits.
4. Select your permit.
5. View the details of the permit. (Lot, Permit type, Expiry date)

For additional support: You can contact a live agent.

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