1942 Monument Road, San Diego, CA 92154
Phone: 619-205-1680
Reservations Center: (858)
565-3600, (877) 565-3600
Camping hours: 24 hours/day, 7
days per week
Due to 2024 storms, the Campground is closed. Sherwood Trail, Vireo Trail (west of Hollister St), and Cathedral Trail are closed.
The park is located south of Spooner’s Mesa. It’s about a mile from the Tijuana River and east of the Pacific Ocean. This 79-acre campground offers stunning views of the valley. It connects to over 20 miles of trails for hiking, biking, and horseback riding. The campground has a nature education center, 51 campsites, and is the first County campground to offer yurts. Yurts are covered camping spaces with doors, windows, bed frames, and room for 6 to 10 people. It also has an amphitheater, a nature play area, and a volunteer pad for 24-hour maintenance. This campground is part of a very large park, which has 22.5 miles of trails, a bird and butterfly garden, a community garden with 200 plots, and five ballfields.
The Tijuana River Valley is one of the few places in San Diego County where beach, sand dunes, salt marsh, river areas, and land are all connected. It has many historic sites and places to enjoy the view from. The valley is full of different kinds of plants and animals, including more than 340 types of birds that travel along the Pacific Flyway.
View the video from the grand opening event of this and one other south county park in 2021. Learn more about the the campground project and efforts to improve the health of the land and local environment in the park. View the FAQs.
The park is 79 acres in size.
There are 51 campsites. 30 are multi-use, 16 are tent only, and 5 are for people with horses.
There are 10 yurts. 6 have room for six people and 4 have room for 10 people.
The Nature Education Center has 16 nature play features and 1 amphitheater.
The campground has fun activities like 1 bocce court, 2 cornhole courts, and 2 horseshoe pits.
The trails are 1 mile east of the Pacific Ocean, 1 mile south of the Tijuana River Channel, and ½ a mile from the U.S./Mexico border.
The campground has 4 restrooms, 4 showers, and 4 family restrooms/showers.
Fun facts:
The campground is in the pacific flyway.
There are 350,000 square feet of native hydroseed.
Three hundred native trees have been planted.
More than 1,000 native shrubs have been planted.
It was designed to protect the existing plants and animals in the valley.