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Park user fees increase February 18, 2025.



Hawktober 2023

Now in its fifth year, our annual celebration of local birds of prey – Hawktober – is coming to 18 parks across San Diego County. Attend a free workshop to meet hawks, owls and falcons that are part of our animal ambassador program!

Throughout the month of October, specially trained rangers will be taking some of our resident raptors on tour. Get to know Turbo, our Peregrine Falcon – the fastest animal alive – and Penelope, our Ferruginous Hawk, the largest in North America. Mutaah, our Great Horned Owl, is the only owl that actually hoots. Violet, our American Kestrel, is small and sweet in appearance, but looks can be deceiving because she will eat other birds!

Learn what these raptors look like up close, where they live, what they eat, how they hunt and what survival skills they’ve picked up over time, to help them thrive in San Diego’s diverse environments.  

Different birds may be featured at different locations, so we encourage you to visit more than one workshop. Events are free and open to guests of all ages.

Download the flyer or scroll down to see the list of locations.

You can also view individual events on our Facebook events page – and catch the virtual series we ran in 2020 on Owls, Hawks, Falcons and Small Birds of Prey

PERK ALERT!! When you visit any of these parks, pick up a limited-edition set of Hawktober trading cards! Each includes a picture of one of our superstar-raptors, and fun stats like their length, weight, wingspan and adaptations for success.


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