On Sunday, Dec. 10, the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation (County Parks) team hosted a grand opening event for Dianne Jacob Lakeside Equestrian Park.
Read the article and watch the video: Grand
Opening Held for Dianne Jacob Lakeside Equestrian Park | News |
San Diego County News Center
County Parks secured funding and oversaw the processes to design and build the Park, and recently contracted with facility operator Equine Event Services to oversee day-to-day operations.
The property is still in the last phase of construction, so contractors and County Parks staff remain on site to complete the finishing touches.
The Park will provide residents and visitors of all ages, interests and abilities with opportunities to enjoy and participate in equestrian and livestock-related activities – as well as a variety of other events, such as festivals, markets, receptions and dog shows.
There are
amenities on site and access to these areas may include fees
like those charged at other County parks to help cover ongoing
maintenance. Additionally, at the southwest corner of the Park is a
free, 1.1-acre public use area which will be overseen by a live-on
volunteer host with assistance from County Parks staff.
The ribbon-cutting event provided local residents and businesses with an early, behind-the-scenes look at the property before it is officially opened to the public in early 2024.
Please stay tuned for more information; a facility schedule and event calendar, along with any associated fees, will be shared in the new year.