Storm Recovery Information

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Park user fees increase February 18, 2025. Our online reservation system will be unavailable the morning of Feb. 18. 

County of San Diego Parks and Recreation

Fish and Wildlife Advisory Commission

Note: As of July 1, 2024, the Fish and Wildlife Advisory Commission will be supported by the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation. Any questions or correspondence related to FWAC can be directed to

The San Diego County Fish and Wildlife Advisory Commission serves the public by providing advice, funding and participation on issues and projects relevant to the prudent use, protection, and perpetuation of San Diego's wildlife.


The next meeting of the Fish and Wildlife Advisory Commission is scheduled for Thursday, January 9.

Meetings are held at: 11:30 a.m.

County of San Diego
Department of Parks and Recreation    
5510 Overland Ave, Suite 270
San Diego, CA 92123

Join the meeting on Microsoft Teams

Dial in by phone

+1 619-343-2539,,402878144#

Download meeting agenda

The ten-member advisory commission is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Department of Parks and Recreation provides staff support to the Commission.

The Commission disburses fine monies derived from violations of the State Fish and Game Code and are administered in accordance with the State Fish and Game Code and subsequent legislation, delineated in sections of the Kelley Bill and advises the Board of Supervisors, the Chief Administrative Officer and County Departments on procedures, programs and issues pertaining to fish and wildlife as defined in Section 286.8, Duties and Responsibilities. 

For more information:

FWAC By-laws (pdf)

Goals and Objectives (pdf)

County Administrative Code (pdf)

Fish and Game Code (pdf)


District 1
Supervisor: Nora Vargas
Member: Janeen Reed
Member: Mark Kukuchek

District 2
Supervisor: Joel Anderson
Member: Andrew Paluczak
Member: Edward Stovin

District 3
Supervisor: Terra Lawson-Remer
Member: Tashi MacMillen
Member: Wayne Kotow

District 4
Supervisor: Monica Montgomery Steppe
Member: Matthew Craig
Member: Samantha Guzzardo

District 5
Supervisor: Jim Desmond
Member: Steve Turigliatto
Member: Jim Conrad


2024/25 Grant Application  (fillable form)

Grant Applications are due December 1 and June 1. Candidates may give a short (5 minute) presentation on their project for the Commissioners at the December and June meetings. Grants are funded at the January and July meetings.

In an effort to maximize the Commission's effectiveness, projects that integrate with the three high priority project areas receive the highest consideration.

Examples of projects conducted in the three high priority areas:

Example: Development project in the San Felipe Valley, partnering with the Department of Fish and Game

Artificial Reef/Fish Habitat
Example: Development project with the San Diego Oceans Foundation as lead agency

Inland Water Fisheries
Example: Enhancement project joining with San Diego Trout.

Current Year Meeting Minutes:

January 12th, 2023 | January 26th, 2023 | February 2023  June 2023 | July 2023 | August 2023 | December 2023

Meeting Minutes from Previous Years:

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |

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